This is the first in a series of blogposts
concerning the reframing of Local Authorities and the impact it will have on
Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) ecosystem.
Subsequent blogs will address the history of
local governance and our potential ‘romantic view’ of Councils capability to
deliver local services as well as exploring the future of the VCS within
combined authorities.
In this blogpost
I explore why I believe Sir Bob Kerslake is wrong in his recommendations
concerning Birmingham City Council. While he may have addressed some
fundamental issues of service failure, identifying capacity and operational
issues for members and officers, I believe that his inappropriate use of the
term ‘community leader’ as well as mixing the terminology ‘civic / community /
resident’ has the potential to undermine the importance of VCS organisations in
the future.
The Kerslake
report is having a fundamental impact on local governance and democracy in
Birmingham. Whilst having to deliver some of the most ruthless public sector
cuts, the City has to deal with national government insisting that how Councillors
represent and make decisions concerning services is not working and that it needs
a significant overhaul.
The proposal
to reduce the Council from 120 to 100 Councillors will, Kerslake argues, enable
Councillors to provide greater representation to those they serve. (ref1)
makes a number of references to engaging and representing communities. He
argues that Wards are too big (15 of them being the largest in the country(ref2)). Increasing the number of wards and
decreasing the number of Councillors would increase representation from 13,413
to 10,730 per Councillor. This he argues
will enable Councillors to concentrate
on regular, direct engagement with the people and organisations in their wards
and role as community leaders (ref3)
believes that this change will enable the council to fulfil one of its
principal functions, “to represent the views of citizens and enable them to
participate in the decisions that affect them and their local communities.
Their democratic mandate gives councillors and councils the opportunity to act
as community leaders.” (ref4).
Additionally, Kerslake questions the format of
devolution in Birmingham, stating it doesn’t work, and that “It urgently needs a new model of devolution that
enables services to be delivered within the resources available and provides
more powerful community engagement.”(ref5)
While I may
agree with some of Kerslake’s arguments, especially the part about the Council
believing that if something should be done, it (the Council), should do it. I’m
not too sure that his belief that the changes and the ‘shake up’ of devolution
will enable councillors and the Council to represent the views of citizens and
enable them to participate in the decisions that affect them and their local
communities. I believe that Kerslake’s belief that “their [Councillors]
democratic mandate gives councillors and councils the opportunity to act as
community leaders” to be wrong and seriously flawed.
are civically elected leaders of Birmingham. The mandate that the democratic
process gives them is to make decisions on how to run, and deliver, services
that legislation requires and expects, and services that are devolved to a
Local Authority. This mandate and the
legislative role do not make them Community Leaders.
The terms ‘civic’
and ‘community’ accompanied by the term ‘leadership’, together with the terms ‘resident’,’
VCS’ and ‘communities’ seem to used as interchangeable terms, with no
accompanying glossary of definitions by Kerslake, within the document.
I would
question the use of the term ‘community leader’, used to describe the
relationship between councillor and ‘constituent’ / ward residents, and how a
councillor represents those needs within a democratic structure - this is not
community / civic leadership.
There is
however a significant difference between Councillors as democratically mandated
representatives, and as community leaders. Councillors represent ALL people within
a geographic area, a ward. Community leaders represent groups that have a
common bond - of geography, interest, culture (including in this definition,
ethnicity, disability, gender etc. ) and/or of faith. Such groups make up
communities within and across wards, and will have leaders who speak for them
and their needs.
community leaders may have a different mandate and a different remit to Councillors.
Community needs are fluid, and representation will respond to that fluidity. Communities
within a geographic area change, and therefore the leadership may change. A Councillor’s duty of representation,
together with their duty of governance, is different to community representation.
Duty of
governance is a responsibility, dictated by legislation and enacted by national
government. Community leader are not restrained by such legislation - the
restrictions outlined through charity and company legislation only relates to
operational activity. Therefore, community leaders can represent their constituents
/ members in any way they feel appropriate, something not available to
Clarity is
required as to what Kerslake means by Councillors being ‘community leaders’ as
well as his use of the terms ‘civic leadership’ and ‘community representatives’.
Where, in the whole process of partnership, leadership and delivery does he see
the role for the rag bag of groups that form the Civic, Community, Voluntary
and Third Sector?
The wide range
of VCS organisations within the City represents their ‘constituent communities’.
Surely it is the role of Councillors not to act as ‘leaders’ of these
communities, but to corporately represent their voice to develop and deliver
services appropriate to need, advised and supported by officers, within budget
and legislative governance?
Much of the
document focuses on the Council’s inability to act strategically, manage its
structures of delivery and work in partnership. Kerslake criticises the council
for its belief that “if it’s worth doing, the Council should do it.” (ref6) While
he offers guidance on how the relationship between officers and members should
be developed, he restricts the development of how strategic decisions are taken
with partners to the public realm.
Having promoted Councillors to ‘Community Leaders’, he makes passing reference
to ‘residents’ and ‘communities’ as an interchangeable concept.
While I may
agree with him that the Council should produce, with their partners, a clear
statement of partnership values, such as openness, transparency, learning and
collaborating (ref7), the creation of an
environment for safe and constructive challenges will not be brought about if
Councillors see themselves as ‘Community Leaders’ in the way Kerslake seems to
be advocating.
organisations should be able to lobby and argue for services within a ‘safe and
constructive’ environment, engaging Councillors, and subsequently officers, in
developing projects, programmes and services to address identified and agreed
needs. Parameters for discussion and lobbying need to be clear from the start.
Single community groups need to be aware of the strategic picture as much as
they are aware of their own needs.
discussions can be undertaken at a variety of levels - community, interest,
cultural and/or faith and can be developed within a ‘whole city’ strategic
framework. Councillors can make their decisions, as Civic Leaders, within
legislative boundaries, based on this consultation.
Kerslake is intent on restructuring the Council, he is too vague in how residents,
communities and civic leaders will participate in this change, aside from
voting for a whole council every four years. He acknowledges that the Council,
officers and members, need to recognise
that there may be other ways of delivering activities other than the Council
‘doing everything’, but at that point he stops.
I would support Kerslake in his assertion
that “the Council need to clarify its roles (ref8), responsibilities, behaviours and ways of
working of the Leader, Cabinet, councillors, Chief Executive and officers” but I would add that VCS organisations need to
play a full and active role in that clarification.
In developing a new structure and clarity, the
Council needs to recognise the breadth of representation for civic/voluntary
/community organisations, and identify ordered and appropriate methods for
engaging and harnessing such enthusiasm. From a VCS perspective, the Council
cannot adopt a whole city approach and focus partnership development on one single
organisation which, in a city the size of Birmingham, cannot hope to fully
represent the diverse breadth of organisations.
So, is Kerslake wrong?
Yes, in two aspects and omissions
- identifying
Councillors as ‘Community leaders’ without fully clarifying the definition
of those terms
- not being specific
about VCS consultation as a partner in developing services
These two omissions can, and probably will,
cause hours of debate and discussion which could have been avoided had Bob
Kerslake been a little more precise in his submission and recommendations.
1 The way forward: an independent review of the governance and
organisational capabilities of Birmingham City Council, Sir Bob Kerslake, 2014, page 15
2 Ibid. Page 26
3 Ibid. Recommendation (7e) Page 12
4 Ibid. Page 16
5 Ibid. Page 15
6 Ibid. Recommendation
(8), page 12
7 Ibid. Recommendation (9), page 12
8 Ibid. Point 15, page 35
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